Below is a downloadable PDF (Wix is apparently incapable of producing a usable PDF viewer) with a list of direct quotes from the 16th and 17th century Reformed tradition affirming the Perpetual Virginity of Mary. The first set is of Reformed confessions, being the most important kind of source on this question, followed by those of individual Reformed authors (AS OF FIRST POST: This section has not been started), both on the continent and in Britain. As of the initial upload, it is nowhere near a complete document, but I wanted to post it now rather than wait to have all citations typed up, allowing others to use it early
and myself to update it at my convenience over time.
Here's the weird thing: I do not affirm the Perpetual Virginity of Mary. So, why am I posting this? My idea for this largely came from my back and forth with a certain Cody Lawrence, who, in trying to refute the use of the Reformed tradition by Christian Nationalists, gave the example of the Perpetual Virginity of Mary, which, he claimed, was held by John Calvin, yet not in the Reformed tradition (ca. 18:35 in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAhhGFmT2WE). I gave a comment demonstrating the falsity of this statement by citing numerous multiple Reformed texts/authors, demonstrating that the PVM was not just something held by one or two outlier authors, but a widely accepted doctrine, making it part of the Reformed Tradition, whether one agrees with it or not. He has since doubled down, but I hope this resource will at least give others some much needed perspective on this issue.
Last updated: 14/03/2025